Friday, August 24, 2007

Sometimes you need to let it go and move on

I have to write about an article that was on the front page of the Daily Local on Wednesday, August 22, 2007. I would post the link if I knew how. The article is about the West Chester University pool and the changes they have made to ensure that nothing like the incident with the intestinal virus happens again. They seem to have implemented safeguards to protect the public, hired more qualified people to make critical judgments along with technological advancements and letters of apology. But some people don't think that is enough. They want someone fired. This infuriates me. You don't think that the people involved in the decision to keep the pool open have felt the ramifications of what followed? You want to fire someone who may have children of their own? There was no malicious intent. No one thought that people would get sick if they swam in the pool. They weren't indifferent to those who suffered. This incident has caused the University to look at their practices and change it for the better. Did you lose your job because you or your children got sick? Don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that an intestinal virus isn't an absolutely excruciating experience. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But you want to ruin someone's life over it? If it was your son or sister or uncle or mother that was responsible, would you still want them fired? I doubt it. Because you would know that it wasn't intentional and that they are suffering the consequences. What if they have kids, a mortgage, or others dependent on them. You want them all to suffer? You don't think that the lives of the people involved have been horrible for the last several weeks? Have you ever been so upset over something you've done that your stomach is in knots, you're nauseous, and you can't sleep? Its pure hell and punishment enough. If people got fired for every mistake that was made, no one would have a job. So, Darcey Doyle and Anne Maxwell, I think you need to get a life. I understand being upset about your children getting sick, but whats done is done and the best thing to do is try to make sure it never happens again. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here goes

As I was driving to work this morning, arguing in my head (and out loud) with people who were in a newspaper article the day before, I found myself so frustrated that I couldn't actually tell these people how I felt and why they were wrong. I tried convincing myself to write to the Daily Local, but, while I was 100% determined to do it, I knew I probably wouldn't. By the time I wrote my letter, I'd probably be pissed off about something else anyway. Then it hit me. I should have a blog. I never would have thought of it except that the night before, my friend Jen showed me hers. This way, when I get really worked up about something, I can just vent, explain why I'm right, and then hopefully I'll feel better. And even if no one reads a word I write, the idea that someone may read it should help to appease my inner narcissist and need for people to listen to me.